No One

Absolutely No One

Had the right to mutilate my penis

My genitals are mine

Mine alone

They do not belong to my parents

They do not belong to my family

They do not belong to the medical community

They do not belong to the religious community

They do not belong to anyone else

They belong to me

To me alone

My body was pristine

They did not have the right to alter my body

They did not have the right to diminish my masculinity

They did not have the right to condemn me to a life of reduced sexual pleasure

They did not have the right to take what was mine, given to me by nature at birth

They did not have the right to cut my flesh and throw it away

It was a mine

It was my birthright

They did not have the right to violate me

They did not have the right to overwhelm my developing body with pain

Imprinting that pain throughout the very essence of my being for a life time

They had no right

I hate it

I detest it

I despise being circumcised ! !

Damn Them ! ! !

Leo Freyer - October 1998

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