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Circumcision Video
About This Video: In this 2-minute excerpt, you will see two separate circumcisions. The first is the beginning of a Plastibell circumcision and shows the very beginning -(and then the very end, where you see the baby being picked up)- of what happens in every hospital circumcision.
The second is a Gomco Clamp circumcision and starts basically where the first video left off, but after the clamp has been assembled and put on the baby's penis. What you see is the tightening of
the Gomco Clamp. The actual circular cut is not shown, but what immediately follows, when the clamp is left on to assure that the blood has sufficiently clotted; then finally you will see the wrapping of the penis with gauze, before the baby is rediapered.
Please see the General Circumcision Description for details of the procedure. (I have removed it from this page to allow for faster loading.) Clicking this link will not take you out of the current page.
The narration over the video (which doesn't block out the video's sound) talks about infants and pain Click "View Video" in blue below to see the excerpt.
This clip -produced by radio host and physician, Dr. Dean Edell, and by Tim Hammond- is from the film
To view the video, you will need to have RealPlayer, available to download for free at www.real.com.
"As a nurse I've seen dozens of circ's and there is very little variation from child to child. The video is the reality of the procedure."- Joy
* (Click the picture to see the entire film online for free!)
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*View Video* |
*Reproduced at Historical Medical Quotes On Circumcision with express permission from Dean Edell and Tim Hammond, executive producer of "Whose Body? Whose Rights?"
Further down, there is a slideshow explaining in detail, the anatomy and physiology of the penis; a documenary called "About the 8th Day" which studied Jewish parents' decisions whether or not to circumcise their sons; and finally a link to videos available on female circumcision.
THE 8TH DAY * TITLE: The 8TH DAY* YEAR: 2001* DIR/PROD: Keren Markuze* COUNTRY: USA* LANGUAGE: English* TIME: unknown* SOURCE: go to AboutThe8thDay.com* Keren Markuze 323-791-5465. $30* | Site all on circumcision videos: ![]() |
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