The first time there was a circumcision, the piercing cries and screams of the baby made us all cry. We were not able to watch but the sounds were heartbreaking and haunting. The next time we requested a radio to block out the cries of the baby but that baby did little more than squeak after the initial screaming, and before it was over, he was red-faced and obviously terrified; his mouth was open but no sound came out. All we could do each day was hold our son tightly and gape at each other. There is no way I would ever subject any child of mine to such horror and pain. I could not imagine doing that after carrying him in my body for nearly a year, loving and nurturing him in every way. His penis is his and not mine. My children are gifts to me and I took care to grow them as well as I could in order to give them bodies and minds that will serve them perfectly for the length of their lives. I cannot justify altering them because of my opinion of how they should look.-- Anon.