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There are a few groups of men who find circumcision their prefered sexual fetish. That is, they "get off on" the idea of circumcision. (The Merriam Webster Collegiate Dictionary defines fetish as "an object or bodily part whose real or fantasied presence is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification and that is an object of fixation to the extent that it may interfere with complete sexual expression". It also gives a synonym of "fixation", which it defines as "a persistent concentration of libidinal energies upon objects characteristic of psychosexual stages of development preceding the genital stage" and "an obsessive or unhealthy preoccupation or attachment".) One group is called The ACORN Society,so named because "glans" is Latin for "acorn". (This is in reference to the naked, circumcised glans.)
ACORN "is a foreskins anonymous club made up of men
circumcised as adults, men interested in being circumcised, men
who enjoy and wish to share their circumcision fantasies, erotic
circumcision scenes, etc." (Foreskin Quarterly #10) The first eleven
issues of FQ (Foreskin Quarterly) each included a column about this
organization. From various issues: "ACORN is looking for a few
good men who need to be SIRcumcised and we are looking for some
good SIRcumcisers." / " Before we cut off your foreskin, I want
you to use it one last time while I watch." / "Take it
off!..Take it all off! ... Acorn wants you skinned." / "I am heavy
into circumcision fantasy, and I have to think of circumcision to
get off." / "Hey, skinhead, if you are man enough, the Sarge and
his knife are gonna take care of you." From a classified ad in
Issue #11: "Acorn Group Forming in Tampa. See the sights of Fla.
and return with the cleancut look. Accommodations, travel plans
arranged. Licensed surgeon. Several plans to choose from."
c/o Bud Berkeley/ Acorn, POB 26011, San Francisco, CA 94126. [No
longer active.]
Another is called CIRCLIST. I will be collecting details, but mainly, they like to read pornographic material based around someone getting circumcised-- adult or infant-- and have been known to watch videos of infant and adult circumcisions and masturbate to them, or to circumcise new members and sometimes masturbate as a group over the soon-to-be bleeding member. (Pun not quite intended.) See a photo below of a man being circumcised with a Tara Clamp.
Cut! Short story by David Fox. Bunkhouse Magazine (The
International Magazine of the Western-Leather Scene), Vol. 1, No.
7, pp. 31-35. "[H]e took the foreskin between his fingers and
pulled brutally ... he ... pressed the knife ... against
the base of the foreskin ... three more clean movements
completed the job; Barker no longer had a foreskin ... the men
around him started, quickly, to jerk off." --Cutting Club, PO Box 100405, 46524 Dinslaken, Germany.
"I would like to circumcise an adult. I have a fantasy to
circumcise a guy who lost his foreskin in a bet ... or to
forcefully circumcise a man. Any way to get the Tara Klamps in
the States? Any uncut willing to let me circumcise him? I would
one day like to have a jar full of foreskins I circumcised off
guys." --Message on alt.circumcision, 1/97
While most will agree "it takes all kinds to make a world", this boarders on pedophilia, especially when videos of infants and children are involved. One wonders if some of those who do circumcisions-- or at least those who seem so "obsessed" with doing them and with keeping them going-- don't fall into this category. However, there was a story in the BBC News in November, 2003 about a man facing child pornography charges for having more than 400,000 images on his computer, including some of children being circumcised.
"What turned me off the whole circumcision scene was
to read a report recently about a bunch of men nursing
erections as they watched a shrieking baby having his
foreskin cut away. When I contemplate the perfection
and symmetry of my little boy's body, including his penis,
I feel a sense of pride at having produced such a beauty,
and I shudder that there are perverts, like I describe, who
would actually take pleasure in marring his perfection." --From a letter from Ms. A. C. Herts The Acorn [Society Newsletter], Issue No. 1 1992, page 10
"I might just go along to see if I can pick up some videos of boys and
girls getting snipped. I only live up the road so I might get some good
wanking material. Circs make me HARD! Snip, snip."-- The Cutter
Message on alt.circumcision, 4/98, in response
to a post giving information about the Fifth
International Symposium on Sexual Mutilations
Although Circlist says in their site that its "not intended as pornographic", their pictures and stories tell otherwise. I've seen some of their member's comments and they are shocking. Obviously, its a judgement call on the individual's part as to whether something is pornographic or "educational". I leave that distinction up to you. Below are a couple of conversations from a medical fetish site:
"I've been waiting for a forum like this for a long time."
Author: CIRCUMCISED April 14, 2002 at 23:40:50
"I'm circumcised, and I fantasise about being circumcised by a sexy female doctor ALL the time. Held down by female nurses, and having my legs held, with their long nails digging into my skin. And when the female doctor starts to cut in, they all start getting wet, and start to have orgasms, laughing and giggling with big smiling faces, and with glee in their eyes."
"I can't wait to hear some (true) stories at this forum."
"Re: I've been waiting for a forum like this for a long time.
Author: jkl April 16, 2002 at 19:58:42
in reply to: I've been waiting for a forum like this for a long time. posted by CIRCUMCISED on April 14, 2002 at 23:40:50
"me too"
"female circumciser"
Author: santhy July 11, 2002 at 14:09:28
in reply to: medical exam fetish top searches posted by Brenda on April 2, 2002 at 23:51:29
"I'm 24 y.o certified nurse from Indonesia. Circumcision are the particular fancy things to do with male. I've conducted many circ operation and enjoy it"
"Re: female circumciser"
Author: hays July 15, 2002 at 20:10:05
in reply to: female circumciser posted by santhy on July 11, 2002 at 14:09:28
"i am a male with uncut penis and my wife likes circumcised men . she wants me to be circumcised but want to be there to watch and maybe participate and help. can you describe what you will do if you are the one to circ me"
"Mrs Bond."
Author: CIRCUMCISED May 17, 2002 at 00:00:05
"Hello Mrs Bond,
"Have you ever done any operations? Tell us. Have you ever done a circumcision or a castration? I would love to hear about it."
"Re: Mrs Bond."
Author: MC May 18, 2002 at 05:07:51 in reply to: Mrs Bond. posted by CIRCUMCISED on May 17, 2002 at 00:00:05
"also have you ever humiliated any boys, maybe in front of their mothers or sisters? and what was the largest flacid penis youve examined?"
"Re: Mrs Bond."
Author: Mrs Bond May 18, 2002 at 13:08:56 in reply to: Re: Mrs Bond. posted by MC on May 18, 2002 at 05:07:51
"The largest flacid cock I have ever examined was about twelve inches, a large black pole. I had a good play with that I can tell you."
"Re: Mrs Bond."
Author: CIRCUMCISED May 18, 2002 at 23:37:20 in reply to: Re: Mrs Bond. posted by Mrs Bond on May 18, 2002 at 13:08:56
" > The largest flacid cock I have ever examined was about > twelve inches, a large black pole. I had a good play with > that I can tell you." "Hmm, not going to answer MY question then?"
"circumcision fetish here"
Author: Corona March 26, 2002 at 03:09:55
"I'm an uncut guy living in Sydney Australia who also has a circumcision fetish. I have always wanted to meet a woman who is interested in medical role playing involving male circumcision. Also interested to hear from guys or couples with circumcision interests or from guys cut as an adult."
Author: Wendy March 26, 2002 at 23:20:23
in reply to: circumcision fetish here posted by Corona on March 26, 2002 at 03:09:55
"I love to taste circumcised dick, I don't know why it just tastes better. Particually if the guy is nude and you are not."
Author: CIRCUMCISED March 29, 2002 at 08:25:39
in reply to: Re: circumcision fetish here posted by Wendy on March 26, 2002 at 23:20:23 "Mmmmm.... Wendy maybe you should taste mine. Have you ever
seen a circumcision taking place? If so did it turn you on?
I was circumcised when I was really young, but I wished I'd
been older so I can remember it, and would LOVE to look
back on a woman doctor doing it, with nurses holding me
still by the legs and ankles."
Re: circumcision fetish here
Author: coronapain June 21, 2002 at 16:40:22
in reply to: Re: circumcision fetish here posted by CIRCUMCISED on March 29, 2002 at 08:25:39 "Hi my name is Paul and I too would love to be forcibly
circumcised by a group of sadistic women. I would be
strapped down naked, they would get my penis thoroughly
erect and one would use a scalpel to cut into my foreskin
under my glans. When she pulls off my bloody foreskin,they
examine my naked mushroom glans. "Why stop there when we
can cut even more away" says one. The cutter grips the base
of my hard cock and with the scalpel starts to cut into the
groove under my glans, slicing all the way around, and
without warning, she grips the shaft skin and forces it
down to the base, stripping my penis of my entire skin,
they examine the swelling glans and the red shaft. "There,
that should stop him from getting all cheesey under that
disgusting bit of skin he had". They leave me with my cock
shaft all bloody and exposed while they walk away laughing,
saying how they have mutilated my precious cock. Comments
please. Thank you. Paul. ld"
"I'd like to change stories/fantasies with people (male and female), who
find a adult male circumcision as an erotic event and who have fantasies
and/or experiences about circumcision. I find an adult male circumcision
including a pregoing examination of the penis and foreskin, discussion on
it, diagnosis and the operation itself sexually very arousing and I think
that the origin and original motives of circumcision include much of sexual
and homoerotic elements. I'd be pleased in changing
stories/fantasies/experiences etc." --Message on alt.circumcision, 7/26/98
Adult Circumcision Fetish Video. Documents circumcision as
an erotic act.
The Acorn Society. PO Box 113, Weston-Super-Mare, Avon, BS23
2ED, England. From first Newsletter (Issue A, 1/88): "The group
was originally advertised as for foreskin/circumcision
fetishists ... I'd prefer to describe the group as for
people interested in foreskins and circumcision."
The Adventures of Cort, Part 1: The Judgment. Manhood
Rituals 3. "It was now time for me to endure the one final
cruelty reserved for men condemned to slavery. It is the most
painful and humbling ... Warriors are the only men permitted
to have uncircumcised cocks. Slaves are cut ... he pulled my
foreskin out and away from the glans with a special pair of
forceps and began to cut ... The crowd went wild."
CIRCLIST. "There is a small group of us who have formed a
private listing (CIRCLIST) and we share stories and pictures of
circumcision. Most all of us grew up Uncut, but sometimes
fantasize about being circumcised. About half of us are US and
the rest European. We find stories of teen boys and men getting
circ'd very hot! We also share our own personal experiences
growing up uncut and admiring the circ'd dicks along with
accounts of our own personal circumcision, medical information,
etc. ... we do have adult only circ fantasy material and
stories of our own personal sexual experiences ... we have
accumulated a variety of circumcision jpegs. Most are clinical
pieces showing the man or boy before, during and after his circ.
They were produced as educational pieces for medical students,
etc. ... I also have some images of ritual or coming of age
circumcisions such as those done in Africa, Egypt and Turkey
(male & female) ... We are currently working on a web site to
house the archives." For more information and application form:
Encyclopedia of Unusual Sex Practices, by Brenda Love
(Barricade Books, Inc., 1992). "More than 750 entries and 150
original illustrations on the world's strange sex activities".
Under "Circumcision" (page 6): "Men sometimes incorporate their
fear of circumcision into sex play as a means for arousal. They
fake a circumcision by having their partner blindfold and bind
them, placing a reservoir tipped condom and then slicing off the
tip with a knife ... Women who are only sexually aroused by
circumcised males are referred to as acucullophiles."
ENIGMA (Erotic Neoprimitive International Genital
Modification Association)"is a communications network of persons
into genital modification in its many forms on both the fantasy
and reality levels." ENIGMA News (quarterly "members only"
newsletter). ENIGMA, c/o Lafargewerks, 2329 N. Leavitt, Chicago,
IL 60647. [From ad in FQ#11, 9/88. No longer active.]
GNU (Glans Naked and Unashamed). Anonymous organization "for
men whose foreskins, or lack thereof, are a source of fascination
for them." GNU News (quarterly). "The ONLY Publication Dedicated
to the PROMOTION of ADULT CIRCUMCISION and Related Practices."
"Articles, experiences, letters, fantasies, etc." "Let's start
planning right now to be present for this important moment [the
first Brotherhood of the Ring celebration] in the life of our
organization: the solemn death of an unfortunate foreskin and the
joyful remaking of a liberated glans." "Another [boy] was
circumcised with pruning shears while being held down on the
kitchen table by a group of male relatives." "The objective of
GNU is noble, positive. It is to foster pride in being
circumcised, perhaps to help those whose lowly boyhood self-
images led to doubts about circumcision to come to terms with
those doubts. And it may even provide a context in which those
who dislike not being cut can give up their foreskins in a
bonding experience." Application for Membership form includes the
following options under "My interests include": "Wish to be
circumcised at a GNU event. Wish to be recircumcised at a GNU
event. Wish to encourage adult circumcision. Wish to perform a
circumcision at a GNU event." Classified ads. Free membership.
[No longer active.]
ICUT4SKINS. Screen name of "Dr. Lee The Foreskin King" in
an Internet provider's members directory. "Have over 400
foreskins in my collection / Hobbies: circumcising men,
collecting foreskins and making them real men / Occupation: ready
to add yours, ready to give it up?" [A search (95-12-18) for the
word foreskin in the America Online Members Directory found 53
members whose profile included that word.]
Letter to the Editor, Foreskin Quarterly #18, p. 30: "Dear Sir,
Worked with a young Portuguese man at an auto body shop ... He
had a ... very long, thick foreskin tapering to a point. It was
snug, but retractable ... He was fired due to taking dope.
Eight months later, met him, went to a hotel. He stripped down
and ... What a disappointment! He'd been cut! I asked him about
it. He said while in New York he met an older man who offered him
a large amount of money if he'd be circumcised. (How much, he
didn't say.) But he wanted the cash for dope. Two weeks later at
a Central Park West apartment, he stripped and danced as eight
men and a woman watched. He was told to stand and jack off. He
was then bound with his hands behind a large chair, legs spread
and bound to the chair legs. Was given some Novocain, and a large
clamp was applied. He said it was humiliating and degrading,
watching the people get their rocks off as he gritted his teeth
in pain and embarrassment as he was being raped of his
foreskin ... States he still sees their faces, and is depressed
over prostituting his manhood. No Name Given, NY"
Man2Man, Issue 8, 1981. [No longer published] Circumcision
Blues: The unkindest mutilation / Circumcision Master / Young
Ex-Con Hustler Clipped in Jail. ("He [the reformatory doctor]
pulled my foreskin up so far I thought the stretch would tear it
off ... He told the guards to hold me down ... I screamed
bloody murder ... He kept saying, 'This'll teach you!'")
Pro Circ, Postfach / Postbox 380 274, D 1000 Berlin 38,
Germany. Tel: 030 - 803 38 28 / 391 63 25 or 030 391 63 28. [John Erickson says he "received no response to my letter asking for information to the
address above, the address on this organization's pamphlet.
Another possible address: POB 38 02 74, 14112 Berlin, Germany"]